Tuesday, October 21, 2008


A basic truism faced by all is that most of the stress people experience comes from inappropriately managed commitments one makes or accepts. Even those who are not consciously “stressed out” will invariably experience greater relaxation, better focus and increased productive energy when they learn more effectively to control “open loops” of their lives. Anything that does not belong where it is, the way it is, is an “open loop” pulling on your attention.

We’ve probably made many more agreements with ourselves than we realize, and every single one of them – big or little – is being tracked by a less=than-conscious part of us. These are the “incompletes” or “open loops” which is defined as anything pulling at your attention that doesn’t belong where it I, the way it is. Open loops can include everything from really big to-do items to the tiniest tasks. It is likely that we also have more internal commitments currently in play than we’re aware of. Consider how many things we feel even the smallest amount of responsibility to change, finish, handle or do something about. We have a commitment, for instance, to deal in some way with every new communication landing in our e-mail, on voice-mail, or in our in-basket. And surely there are numerous projects and tasks that we sense need to be defined in our areas of responsibilities, as well as goals and directions to be clarified, a career to manage, and life in general to be kept in balance.

We have accepted some level of internal responsibility for everything in our life and work that represents an open loop of any sort. In order to deal effectively with all of that, we must first identify and collect all those things that are “ringing our bells” in some way, and then plan how to handle them. That may seem like a simple thing to do, but in practice most of us don’t know how to do it in a consistent way.

Managing commitments well requires the implementation of some basic activities and behaviours, such as the following :-

# First of all, if it’s on our mind, our mind aren’t clear. Anything we consider unfinished in any way must be captured in a trusted system outside our mind, or what is called a collection bucket, that we know we’ll come back to regularly and sort through.

# Secondly, we must clarify what our commitments are and decide what we have to do, if anything, to make progress towards fulfilling it.

# Least but not less, one we’ve decided on all actions we need to take, we must keep reminders of them organized in a system we review regularly.

It all boils down to THINKING. Not a lot, just enough to solidify our commitment and the resources required to fulfill it. So, THINK BEFORE WE LEAP !!!

Extract Article : GETTING THINGS DONE – How To Achieve Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen 2001 Judy Piatkus (Publishers) Ltd, UK.


Alas, now we have 2 security guards. Allow me to introduce them to all GMI FC residents. En. Azhar is our day shift guard, he can be contacted at 017-4050804; while our night shift guard is En. Alias. His contact number is 013-2650155. Please feel free to contact them should you need their assistance pertaining to security matters.

Please also take note that security drop gate at the main entrance shall be lowered (closed) as follows :

Monday to Friday : 9-00 am to 11-30 am
2-30 pm to 4-30 pm

Monday to Sunday : 12-00 midnight to 5-00 am

This is to avoid any “unwanted persons” to enter GMI FC at their own free will. Both the guards shall also take note of all vehicles coming in and out of GMI FC. The display of our security stickers is imminent in this case. Those who have not yet obtain vehicle stickers are advice to contact our Treasurer ASAP.


Dr Faharuddin 5C3 seorang pakar komputer menawarkan perkhidmatan servis komputer peribadi kepada warga GMI FC sekelian. Khidmat ini termasuklah minor repair hingga kepada system upgrading. Bagi warga GMI FC yang memerlukan perkhidmatan ini bolehlah berhubung terus dengan Dr Faha (Abang Din) 016-2292230.


Persatuan mengucapkan Hari Depavali kepada warga GMI FC kaum India yang akan merayakan Hari Deepavali pada 27hb. Oktober, 2008.

Rombu Rombu Nandri.


Persatuan Penduduk GMI FC telah menganjurkan Majlis Jamuan Hari Raya Aidil Fitri pada 19hb Syawal, 1429 bersamaan 19hb. Oktober, 2008. Tetamu khas ialah setiap warga GMI FC. Jamuan ini diadakan secara bergotong-royong dengan penyediaan menu seperti berikut :- Nasi Minyak, Kurma Kambing, Rendang Masak Minang, Dalca dan Jelatah. Turut dihidangkan juga termasuk beberapa jenis kuih-muih, lemang dan muruku.

Majlis ini mendapat sambutan yang lebih hebat berbanding sebelum ini. Persatuan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada warga GMI FC yang menyumbang tenaga, wang ringgit, peralatan memasakdan kepakaran memasak bagi menjayakan majlis ini.

Hikmah dari majlis ini dapat merapatkan silaturahim sesama warga GMI FC. Insya' Allah acara bergotong-royong seperti ini akan diadakan lagi semasa sambutan hari Raya Aidil Adha dimana kita akan mengadakan Sembelihan Korban buat julung kali.

1 SYAWAL 1429

Persatuan Penduduk Gerbang Meru Indah Fasa C mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidi Fitri kepada semua warga GMI FC semoga hari yang penuh berkat ini membawa limpah rahmat kepada semua.


Acara memasak lemang raya anjuran Persatuan Penduduk Gerbang Meru Indah Fasa C telah diadakan pada malam 29hb. September 2008 bersamaan 29hb Ramadhan, 1429 secara gotong royong. Acara memasak lemang ini diadakan diperkarangan Pos Pengawal dengan sejumlah 100 batang lemang telah disediakan oleh kaum ibu untuk dimasak oleh kaum bapa.

Acara gotong royong ini mendapat sambutan yang baik dari warga GMI FC. Disamping lemang, rendang masak minang turut juga disediakan. Lemang dan rendang kemudiannya diagih-agihkan kepada warga GMI FC.

Persatuan berharap acara seperti ini akan diadakan lagi pada tahun-tahun kehadapan.